Noise Survey Somerset
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Parker Acoustics Ltd is a professional customer-oriented acoustic consultancy providing noise surveys and noise impact assessments in Somerset.
We can assist if you are planning a new project and need an assessment of noise at the site (whether that’s extant noise affecting the site or the impact of noise associated with your proposed development).
The noise produced on your property could impact surrounding residential dwellings, commercial businesses, or property owners nearby. So, it is essential to get an idea of the impact before your worksite operations begin. Conversely, your proposed development may be near a major noise source so adequate protection from noise may be required to avoid disturbance and annoyance to future occupants
The assessment report will detail the findings of the noise survey along with recommendations on how to mitigate noise affecting (or being generated by) the site in order to satisfy local, regional and national guidance.
Consultants at Parker Acoustics Ltd are full members of the Institute of Acoustics. We have over 17 years of experience providing noise surveying services to all kinds of multi-disciplinary and independent acoustic consultancy practices throughout the UK. When you consult with our surveying team about your project, we’ll make every effort to understand your project requirements perfectly. That way, we can deliver a professional and satisfactory service.
Call us at 01769 579642 or email us at info@parkeracoustics.com to receive answers to your questions and a free price quote on our services.