Sound Insulation Testing Plymouth
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Sound insulation reduces the passage of noise through building elements such as walls, ceilings, and floors. Residential developments (new-build or conversions) in the UK must comply with Part E of the Building Regulations by installing sufficient sound insulation in separating walls and floors between dwellings. This is to avoid potential problems such as disturbance from noisy neighbours.
Sound insulation tests are also often required where there are separating walls and floors between acoustically sensitive spaces in developments such as hotels, schools, offices and health-care facilities.
To demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Part E, your local Building Control office may require a sound insulation test report with associated certification. Parker Acoustics Ltd is a professional sound insulation testing company that can assist you with this.
Our test engineers are full members of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and have performed sound insulation tests on sites across the UK for over 17 years. We are registered members of the Sound Insulation testing and Measurement Association (SITMA) which provides third-party certification to individuals as being competent to carry out sound insulation testing in accordance with current UK standards.
If you have a converted or new residential development in the Plymouth area and need a sound insulation test immediately, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Some of our top clients are major house building contractors, residential developers, subcontractors and architects.
A sound insulation report (with certificates) suitable for submission to a third-party authority (e.g. Plymouth Building Control) will be issued following the sound insulation test(s) to demonstrate compliance with the requirements
In the unfortunate event that your scheme requires improvements to the sound insulation (i.e. a test failure) we can provide you with professional acoustic design advice to resolve the issue.
Call us at 01769 579642 or email us at info@parkeracoustics.com to request a free price quote on our sound insulation testing services in Plymouth.